Antonyms for secure

Antonyms for (verb) secure

Main entry: fix, fasten, secure

Definition: cause to be firmly attached

Usage: fasten the lock onto the door; she fixed her gaze on the man

Antonyms: unfasten

Definition: cause to become undone

Antonyms for (adj) secure

Main entry: unafraid, untroubled, secure

Definition: free from fear or doubt; easy in mind

Usage: he was secure that nothing will be held against him

Antonyms: insecure

Definition: lacking self-confidence or assurance

Main entry: secure

Definition: free from danger or risk

Usage: secure from harm; his fortune was secure; made a secure place for himself in his field

Antonyms: unsafe, insecure

Definition: lacking in security or safety

Antonyms: uncertain, unsure, incertain

Definition: lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance

Main entry: secure

Definition: not likely to fail or give way

Usage: the lock was secure; a secure foundation; a secure hold on her wrist

Antonyms: insecure

Definition: not firm or firmly fixed; likely to fail or give way

Antonyms: unsteady

Definition: subject to change or variation

Antonyms: leaky

Definition: permitting the unwanted passage of fluids or gases

Antonyms: loose

Definition: not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting

Main entry: secure, safe, dependable, good

Definition: financially sound

Usage: a good investment; a secure investment

Antonyms: quiet, silence

Definition: the absence of sound

Antonyms: unsound

Definition: not sound financially

Antonyms: unsound

Definition: not in good condition; damaged or decayed

Main entry: inviolable, impregnable, unassailable, unattackable, strong, secure

Definition: immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with

Usage: an impregnable fortress; fortifications that made the frontier inviolable; a secure telephone connection

Antonyms: vulnerable

Definition: susceptible to attack

Visual thesaurus for secure