Antonyms for offensive

Antonyms for (adj) offensive

Main entry: offensive

Definition: unpleasant or disgusting especially to the senses

Usage: offensive odors

Antonyms: inoffensive

Definition: giving no offense

Antonyms: fair

Definition: (of a baseball) hit between the foul lines

Antonyms: attractive

Definition: having the properties of a magnet; the ability to draw or pull

Antonyms: virtuous

Definition: morally excellent

Main entry: offensive

Definition: causing anger or annoyance

Usage: offensive remarks

Antonyms: unoffending, inoffensive

Definition: not causing anger or annoyance

Main entry: offensive

Definition: for the purpose of attack rather than defense

Usage: offensive weapons

Antonyms: defensive

Definition: intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack

Antonyms: confined

Definition: not invading healthy tissue

Antonyms: noninvasive

Definition: relating to a technique that does not involve puncturing the skin or entering a body cavity

Main entry: offensive, dysphemistic

Definition: substitute a harsher or distasteful term for a mild one

Usage: `nigger' is a dysphemistic term for `African-American'

Antonyms: euphemistic, inoffensive

Definition: substituting a mild term for a harsher or distasteful one

Main entry: offensive, unsavory, unsavoury

Definition: morally offensive

Usage: an unsavory reputation; an unsavory scandal

Antonyms: savory, savoury

Definition: morally wholesome or acceptable

Main entry: offensive, violative

Definition: violating or tending to violate or offend against

Usage: violative of the principles of liberty; considered such depravity offensive against all laws of humanity

Antonyms: unoffending

Definition: not offending

Main entry: nauseating, nauseous, noisome, offensive, vile, queasy, sickening, loathsome

Definition: causing or able to cause nausea

Usage: a nauseating smell; nauseous offal; a sickening stench

Antonyms: wholesome

Definition: conducive to or characteristic of physical or moral well-being

Visual thesaurus for offensive