Antonyms for inside

Antonyms for (noun) inside

Main entry: inside, interior

Definition: the inner or enclosed surface of something

Antonyms: outside, exterior

Definition: the outer side or surface of something

Main entry: inside, interior

Definition: the region that is inside of something

Antonyms: exterior, outside

Definition: the region that is outside of something

Antonyms for (adj) inside

Main entry: inside

Definition: relating to or being on the side closer to the center or within a defined space

Usage: he reached into his inside jacket pocket; inside out; an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter

Antonyms: outside

Definition: relating to or being on or near the outer side or limit

Antonyms: right, rightfulness

Definition: anything in accord with principles of justice

Antonyms: compensate, redress, right, correct

Definition: make reparations or amends for

Antonyms: right, correct

Definition: free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth

Antonyms: right, correct

Definition: correct in opinion or judgment

Antonyms: right

Definition: in conformance with justice or law or morality

Main entry: inner, inside, privileged

Definition: confined to an exclusive group

Usage: privy to inner knowledge; inside information; privileged information

Antonyms: inclusive

Definition: including much or everything; and especially including stated limits

Main entry: inside

Definition: being or applying to the inside of a building

Usage: an inside wall

Antonyms: exterior

Definition: situated in or suitable for the outdoors or outside of a building

Main entry: inside

Definition: away from the outer edge

Usage: an inner lahne; the inside lane

Antonyms: outer

Definition: being on the outside or further from a center

Antonyms for (adv) inside

Main entry: indoors, inside

Definition: within a building

Usage: in winter we play inside

Antonyms: out of doors, outdoors, outside, alfresco

Definition: outside a building

Main entry: inside, within

Definition: on the inside

Usage: inside, the car is a mess

Antonyms: outside

Definition: on the outside

Main entry: inwardly, inside

Definition: with respect to private feelings

Usage: inwardly, she was raging

Antonyms: outwardly

Definition: in outward appearance

Visual thesaurus for inside