Antonyms for inebriated

Antonyms for (adj) inebriated

Main entry: drunk, inebriated, intoxicated

Definition: stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)

Usage: a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors; helplessly inebriated

Antonyms: sober

Definition: not affected by a chemical substance (especially alcohol)

Antonyms: low

Definition: a low level or position or degree

Antonyms: low spirits

Definition: a state of mild depression

Antonyms: low

Definition: literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension

Antonyms: low

Definition: less than normal in degree or intensity or amount

Antonyms: low, low-pitched

Definition: used of sounds and voices; low in pitch or frequency

Antonyms: dry, dry out

Definition: remove the moisture from and make dry

Antonyms: dry

Definition: free from liquid or moisture; lacking natural or normal moisture or depleted of water; or no longer wet

Antonyms: dry

Definition: not producing milk

Antonyms: dry

Definition: opposed to or prohibiting the production and sale of alcoholic beverages

Antonyms: dry

Definition: lacking moisture or volatile components

Antonyms: leaky

Definition: permitting the unwanted passage of fluids or gases

Antonyms: loose

Definition: not tight; not closely constrained or constricted or constricting

Antonyms: unloaded

Definition: (of weapons) not charged with ammunition

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