Antonyms for indefinite

Antonyms for (adj) indefinite

Main entry: indefinite

Definition: vague or not clearly defined or stated

Usage: must you be so indefinite?; amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges; he would not answer so indefinite a proposal

Antonyms: definite

Definition: precise; explicit and clearly defined

Antonyms: decisive

Definition: determining or having the power to determine an outcome

Antonyms: decisive

Definition: characterized by decision and firmness

Antonyms: fixed

Definition: securely placed or fastened or set

Main entry: indefinite

Definition: not decided or not known

Usage: were indefinite about their plans; plans are indefinite

Antonyms: certain

Definition: established beyond doubt or question; definitely known

Antonyms: sure, certain

Definition: having or feeling no doubt or uncertainty; confident and assured

Antonyms: certain, sure

Definition: certain to occur; destined or inevitable

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