Antonyms for glorious

Antonyms for (adj) glorious

Main entry: glorious

Definition: having or deserving or conferring glory

Usage: a long and glorious career; our glorious literature

Antonyms: inglorious

Definition: not bringing honor and glory

Antonyms: dull

Definition: emitting or reflecting very little light

Main entry: glorious, splendid, splendiferous, resplendent

Definition: having great beauty and splendor

Usage: a glorious spring morning; a glorious sunset; splendid costumes; a kind of splendiferous native simplicity

Antonyms: ugly

Definition: displeasing to the senses

Main entry: magnificent, glorious, brilliant, splendid

Definition: characterized by grandeur

Usage: the brilliant court life at Versailles; a glorious work of art; magnificent cathedrals; the splendid coronation ceremony

Antonyms: unimpressive

Definition: not capable of impressing

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