Antonyms for fit

Antonyms for (verb) fit

Main entry: correspond, tally, jibe, match, fit, gibe, agree, check

Definition: be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics

Usage: The two stories don't agree in many details; The handwriting checks with the signature on the check; The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun

Antonyms: disaccord, disagree, discord

Definition: be different from one another

Antonyms for (adj) fit

Main entry: fit

Definition: physically and mentally sound or healthy

Usage: felt relaxed and fit after their holiday; keeps fit with diet and exercise

Antonyms: unfit

Definition: not in good physical or mental condition; out of condition

Antonyms: unable

Definition: (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how

Antonyms: unconditioned, unlearned, innate

Definition: not established by conditioning or learning

Main entry: fit

Definition: meeting adequate standards for a purpose

Usage: a fit subject for discussion; it is fit and proper that you be there; water fit to drink; fit for duty; do as you see fit to

Antonyms: unfit

Definition: below the required standards for a purpose

Antonyms: unworthy

Definition: lacking in value or merit

Antonyms: unacceptable

Definition: not acceptable; not welcome

Main entry: primed, set, fit

Definition: (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed

Usage: in no fit state to continue; fit to drop; laughing fit to burst; she was fit to scream; primed for a fight; we are set to go at any time

Antonyms: unready

Definition: not prepared or in a state of readiness; slow to understand or respond

Visual thesaurus for fit