Antonyms for colourful

Antonyms for (adj) colourful

Main entry: colorful, colourful

Definition: having striking color

Usage: colorful autumn leaves

Antonyms: colorless, colourless

Definition: weak in color; not colorful

Antonyms: poor, poor people

Definition: people without possessions or wealth (considered as a group)

Antonyms: poor

Definition: having little money or few possessions

Antonyms: poor

Definition: lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances

Antonyms: poor

Definition: characterized by or indicating poverty

Antonyms: lean

Definition: lacking in mineral content or combustible material

Antonyms: shallow

Definition: lacking physical depth; having little spatial extension downward or inward from an outer surface or backward or outward from a center

Antonyms: shallow

Definition: not deep or strong; not affecting one deeply

Antonyms: dull

Definition: emitting or reflecting very little light

Antonyms: unchangeable

Definition: not changeable or subject to change

Main entry: colorful, colourful

Definition: striking in variety and interest

Usage: a colorful period of history; a colorful character; colorful language

Antonyms: colorless, colourless

Definition: lacking in variety and interest

Antonyms: cautious, timid

Definition: people who are fearful and cautious

Antonyms: fearful, cowardly

Definition: lacking courage; ignobly timid and faint-hearted

Antonyms: quiet

Definition: free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound

Visual thesaurus for colourful