Antonyms for arranged

Antonyms for (adj) arranged

Main entry: arranged, ordered

Definition: disposed or placed in a particular kind of order

Usage: the carefully arranged chessmen; haphazardly arranged interlobular septa; comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace

Antonyms: disarranged

Definition: having the arrangement disturbed; not in order

Antonyms: come up, uprise, rise, ascend

Definition: come up, of celestial bodies

Main entry: arranged, staged

Definition: deliberately arranged for effect

Usage: one of those artfully staged photographs

Antonyms: natural

Definition: existing in or produced by nature; not artificial or imitation

Antonyms: existent, real

Definition: being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory

Antonyms: real

Definition: no less than what is stated; worthy of the name

Main entry: arranged

Definition: planned in advance

Usage: an arranged marriage

Antonyms: disorganised, disorganized

Definition: lacking order or methodical arrangement or function

Antonyms: unorganised, unorganized

Definition: not having or belonging to a structured whole

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