Enhance Your Writing and Vocabulary

Our English Thesaurus is a comprehensive service for finding perfectly suitable synonyms, antonyms and definitions for (almost) any word. It provides hundreds of thousands entries and examples as well as visual representation.

Expand your English vocabulary or find just the right word for your assignment. Our largest word selection and simple search suit for every day use.

Why you should use the English Thesaurus:

  • 140,000 definitions and 1.4 million words
  • Synonyms, antonyms, definitions to help you improve your writing and speech
  • Hypernyms (more generic words) and grouping by part of speech
  • Examples sentences illustrate how words can be used
  • Visual thesaurus for intuitive understanding of word connections




Word Of Day

April 29, 2024



unrestrained by convention or morality

Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society; deplorably dissipated and degraded; riotous living; fast women

Visual Dictionary and Thesaurus

Explore the word connections using a handy visual tool, please visit Graphwords.com website.

Quote of Month

“The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.”